Monday, October 31, 2011


I want to follow this train of thought a little farther. What does the perfection of God mean? I'm going to let my discombobulated thoughts tumble out and see what happens. Perfect means no improvement. Nothing better. When I say I wish something about God's plan was different it is because I don't understand. If I truly understood why God does what He does the way He does it I would simply fall down and worship Him for His perfect plan. There is nothing better.
Why did you choose to send your Son the way you did? Why do you let me turn away from You? Why do your followers feel pain? Isn't there a better way to teach us? Why do you allow people to reject You because they don't see who You are? Why don't I see miracles? Why don't I see perfect victory in my life? Why do I feel fear? Why, why, why?
Blanket answer: I don't yet fully see the heart of God. His way IS perfect. I just don't understand.
I don't want to seem to blame God for my failure. Somehow His strength is made perfect in my weakness. Somehow His sovereign will is never broken, never hindered, never thwarted.
So in short, I don't really know. But I trust that some day I will no longer look through the dark, distorted glass but I will see Him face to face. And I'll ask Him then.

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