Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Right to Give Up

In Tom Harmon's Morning Prayer ( there is a list of rights to yield to God daily. One that always sticks out to me is the right to give up. This is something I face every day. My track record isn't always pretty and most of the time I just don't feel like being responsible with my life. But I have been called to live life to the fullest; that's what Christianity is. And I have relinquished my right to give up on that goal.
Do I achieve that goal every day? Nope. Have I ever achieved that for a single day? I'm going to have to ditto my previous answer. But the One who called me to be perfect is also the One who enables the changes needed in my life to become like Him. So I look toward the goal, take a better grip, and rededicate myself to conquering my failures through the strength of God and being conquered by the power of the Almighty.