Can fear be a choice? Can that really be genuine? Courage is a choice. The choice to act right regardless of fear's bondage. Can right fear work the same way? Can I choose to act out the fear of God even if I don't always feel it?
What part of righteous fear is emotional? Should I simply act out of a fear of God and trust that a more righteous, more complete, fear will follow?
Or is Godly fear emotional at all?
I'm beginning to understand that I can't make myself fear. And I shouldn't try. That's isn't the point anyways. The point is knowing and understanding God. Fear and obedience and truth and righteousness and nobility and every good thing follows by default. But if I ever take my eyes off of God and and focus on who I should be and how I should feel and how I should think, I miss the mark entirely.
"This much seems to me clear, that, if there be no God, it may be nobler to be able to live without one; but, if there be a God, it must be nobler not to be able to live without Him. The moment, however, that nobility becomes the object in any action, that moment the nobleness of the action vanishes. The man who serves his fellow that he may himself be noble, misses the mark. He alone who follows the truth, not he who follows nobility, shall attain the noble."
True thinking, true feelings, true being, come from losing ones self in the only One who is TRUTH. Our desire to be good and true should pus us to the One who can make us forget all our falseness and transform us into His likeness. Only by knowing God can I fear. And by knowing His I can't help but have fear of Him. Because God is awesome and fear-inspiring.
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